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Welcome to the Fanfiction page! This is where we display ficcies of all kinds. Digimon, Beyblade, Cardcaptor Sakura, Angelic Layer... I'll be happy if you send them in! Oh, general fiction is fine too. ^^ Like my "What Can I". Please send them in!
-Fan Fiction-
Katya-chan's fan fiction
You can read the stories I've made at Fanfiction.net. I can understand, of course, if you're not allowed to go there, as I don't as much as I used to, so you can read my stories here. I've made Gundam SEED, Weiss Kreuz, Yu-Gi-Oh! stories here. Check them out... IF YOU DARE!
The stories I've made on Fictionpress.com are my original stories, such as "What Can I" and "Lost In A Memory". I'm working on a multi-chapter detective story which I hope will be good. I'm planning on becoming a novelist when I grow up! R&R!
Darkpsychic's fan fiction
Sabrina's beyblade and CCS stories are at Fanfiction.net. I've been waiting for her Beyblade's story's chapter ten. Read and review!