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What on earth is Digimon anyway?
1. Digimon
is a television show about Chosen Children and monsters from another world that
work together to save the Digital World and to get back home. I’ve heard there
are VCDs, DVDs, and Soundtracks of Digimon as its one of the crazes here. I’ve
heard from Tokyopop that they will have a manga. As a matter of fact, they’ve
got the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons out so far! I can't wait until I get it!
2. Please tell
me your age, gender, where you live, your real name and send me a photo of you
too if possible.
2. …Sorry,
but no, you’re not supposed to give anything about yourself up! Remember, this
is the Internet. We shouldn't be telling people about our personal info… and
I don't want to tell people my personal info. I can tell my Internet info, though.
I've dropped hints all over this site. It's enough to give you a vague idea
about me and that's all I want to tell people. If we're good friends maybe...
my e-pals know my age, gender, my country and my real name. My gender? Duh.
I'm a female. And I'm 1_ years old. I'm in ELEMENTARY school. Okay, that's it.
Find out the rest next time.
Why did you ever decide to make a website anyway?!
3. …I just
was jealous of other people having oh-so-cool websites and I guess I wanted
too. ^^; So NOW I have one. See?
4. Can we be
4. Oh, of course!
^^ Actually its me who wants to find friends so if you want to be a friend,
just send me an e-mail or sign my Guestbook. I’ll get back to you. I’m not that
busy, so it’s all right for anyone to e-mail.
5. Please tell
me your age.
5. No one wants
to know, anyway. I said I'm in elementary school. But I'm not even SUPPOSED
to be in 7th grade yet! From that line, guess...
6. Not even
close. I’m in Elementary School. No, really! Go on, think! I’m younger than
7. Do you make
Fan fiction and Fan art?
7. Fan fiction?
Often, but I'm focusing on original stories now.
8. Why don’t
you post them up, then?
8. Thanks a
lot, but I don’t like showing my stories… They are not good. My fan art just
gets thrown away accidentally or destroyed. As I’ve said, nobody understands
my art.
9. Who’s helping
you with this website?
A 9. Actually, it’s my tito. That’s a Filipino word for “uncle” or something like that. I think it up, I suggest, he fixes up the site and I edit some things or add. Then the cycle continues. All of my classmates know I have a website, but only a few go on the Internet. So they just give me ideas.
Q 10. Can you send me pictures of Digimon?
A 10. When I can, I'll try. If I can. And please don't steal pictures from my site. Please!
Q 11. How do I send in Fanfiction and original stories?
A 11. Send it to me through e-mail, or give me the website where its posted (if it is.) I'll give you full credit!
Q 12. What are your e-mail addresses?
A 12. I've got: yoleiph@hotmail.com and moonblossoms@kawaiitomoyo.zzn.com. A lot more, but these are more commonly used.
Q 13. Who are your friends?
A 13. I like describing myself as a "monkey". Loud, cheerful, annoying, you know. But I don't have too many friends close to me. SOMETIMES I feel like no one likes me in the tribe... *sniffle* But I have good friends who stick with me. I hope to see them more often.
Q 14. Who got married to who in the 1st and 2nd season arc?
A 14. Yamato married Sora... Ken married Miyako... The rest have kids but I have no idea who!
To my parents and family, Saffy of SLG Network and Kira of Sakura Premium for giving me moral support. The Kuruta Tribe members, Aya-chan, Rizzy-chan, Domineko-chan, Yuki-chan, Aki-chan, and SV, Scarlet, (the list goes on,) Angeli, Sabrina, Monica M, Justin and everyone else. Love ya!
Hee-hee! Ja ne! Please sign my Guestbook! These are my desperate cries for help.